Every qualified 国产哟哟 student with a documented disability or temporary medical need has the right to equal access to courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities offered through the University. Students have the right to receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services that meet their access needs.
Additional forms and documents can be accessed on the Accessibility Services Community Page.
Student Responsibilities:
Disclose a documented disability to the Director of Accessibility Services in a timely manner by completing our .
Provide Accessibility Services with documentation of their disability or temporary medical need, following our .
Schedule an Access Planning meeting with the Director to review their request and to discuss reasonable accommodations
Keep Accessibility Services informed and provide updated documentation if their disability or symptoms change.
Renew accommodations each semester as far ahead of time as possible.
Follow specific Accessibility procedures for arranging reasonable accommodations and/or services (e.g. scheduling exams and note-taking services).
Inform Accessibility if they have any classroom accessibility or accommodation issues or general disability-related concerns at any time.
Assess the extent to which the accommodations agreed upon and implemented for the semester are meeting the student’s needs and share the student’s conclusions with the Director of Accessibility in a timely manner.
Student Accessibility Services Responsibilities:
Engage the student in the interactive process to identify barriers in classes or on campus, collaborating with students, professors, and programs to identify reasonable accommodations
Clarify information regarding documentation needed to determine eligibility for accommodations and services.
Maintain student files in a confidential manner at all times.
Notify faculty or staff members regarding reasonable accommodations.
Student Accessibility Services is committed to ensuring that all disability information remains confidential. Documentation is securely filed within the Student Accessibility Services office. The documentation is not included with the student’s academic records.