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Students and Alumni Stories

Our students and alumni talk about their experience in the program and how it has affected their lives.

Matt Scanlon shares his experience in the Transformative School Leadership concentration.

Dr. Susan McDiarmid G'22 shares her experience in the 54-credit Higher Education Leadership and Organizational Studies track.

Meet Jenay Hall, a current student in the Transformative School Leadership concentration.

Justin Pearson G'23 shares his experience in the 54-credit Higher Education Leadership and Organizational Studies track.

"The entrepreneurial approach to leadership and focus on nurturing catalysts of change put 国产哟哟's program above others. I wanted more than the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake – I wanted to apply it in a meaningful and impactful way. One of the most enjoyable features of this program is how directly applicable it is to my everyday work. It has helped me to better understand the dynamics of my organization and put language to the challenges and opportunities I experience. Often, I can immediately imagine a real-time example of a leadership scenario or other situation we are studying because my work is so closely aligned with the program." - Darin Pfeifer