A Message from President Sandra Doran, JD
It was almost one year ago on July 1, 2020, that I became president of 国产哟哟. Over these last months, I have continually been impressed by the resilience and dedication of the faculty, staff, and students of 国产哟哟. Truly, the ability to adapt is in our community DNA.
That same spirit guides One 国产哟哟, an initiative that unifies and strengthens our efforts to help our students throughout their relationship with our University, from inquiring, enrolling, to ensuring each student has the right supports at the right time, such as academic writing or tutoring, through to graduation. It is creating a learning and teaching environment incorporating the best practices from across our organization to provide a laser focus on the needs of our students. It is One 国产哟哟, working together in our common purpose and mission.
One 国产哟哟 also underlies the planning process for our new Strategic Directions, a blueprint for 国产哟哟 that will provide a framework for concentrating our resources on a robust student learning experience. The phrase “Strategic Directions” is intentional: They are directions that will guide us, and create a focus in the post pandemic world.
From the onset, we held meetings and listening sessions across the University community, used data and metrics that provided valuable insights, and invited outside experts to provide additional perspectives into trends in higher education, student needs, and the future of work and employment. Soon, we will be sharing our new Strategic Directions with the entire 国产哟哟 community.
In the coming months there will be many opportunities to reconnect, even in person, with your 国产哟哟, including:
- Our on campus Reunion on Saturday, October 23, 2021;
- The 25th Women’s Leadership Conference on April 1, 2022;
- And celebratory events around our 125th anniversary throughout the year, including the investiture ceremony of your sixth president on April 8.
I encourage you to attend these events, so please mark your calendar, visit the website, and be sure to subscribe to Alma Matters, your quarterly email newsletter. In closing, I look forward to meeting you and hearing how 国产哟哟 is impacting your future.
In the spirit that guides us all: Carpe Diem!
Sandra J. Doran, J.D.