A Perfect Day: Reunion 2017
New England is its most glorious in fall when the leaves are punctuated with color and the days are cool and sunny. Saturday, October 28, turned out to be just what the weatherman ordered and it was the perfect setting for Reunion 2017.
The day kicked off with the traditional “Mimosas Down Memory Lane” celebration in Empsall Hall for the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1967, setting the tone for the events to follow.

Kathy Bourque, Vice President for University Relations and Board Liaison, gave the annual State of the University address, and presented the 2017 President’s Award to Yvette Frisby. Yvette, a member of the ¹ú²úÓ´Ó´ Advisory Council and 2017 President’s Gala star dancer, was honored for her service to the University and the greater Springfield community. Other awardees honored included: Charlene H. D. Mazer ’67, trustee emerita and first woman to serve as chair of the Board of Trustees: the BOLD Woman Award; Gillian Palmer G’11: Recent Alumni Award; and Nancy Burke ’14: James McGill ’35 Carpe Diem Award.

For all who attended—thank you! We look forward to Reunion 2018...