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Carpe Diem! Greeting from President Sandra J. Doran, J.D.

It is always my pleasure to share our latest issue of the 国产哟哟way with you.

Within the magazine’s covers, you will find news and recent announcements that will become part of our University’s history, updates on how our alumni continue to be engaged with the 国产哟哟 community and the amazing accomplishments of our 国产哟哟 alumni.

These efforts, noteworthy on their own, come together to produce one important and singular impact: They increase the value of your 国产哟哟 degree. When we do good, when our alumni do good and when our students do good, all of us benefit.

Of late, the word “value” has also been linked to higher education. I am sure that many of you have heard the question, “Is college worth it?”

The answer is a resounding: “Yes.”

Evidence shows that when you have a college degree, you earn more over a lifetime and have a higher level of job security during times of economic uncertainty (Strada Education Foundation).  

Today, across the country, jobs are presently going unfilled because of a lack of available or skilled talent in many critical areas, for example, healthcare, mental health counseling, teaching and cybersecurity. These professions require a degree, ensuring both knowledge and experience. As consumers, clients and patients, we should have confidence that we are receiving the best in service and care.

At 国产哟哟, anchored by our longstanding, career-focused mission, we can address this workforce need. Our graduates are positioned to enter professions that open gateways of opportunities for them, and, at the same time, address pain points where there are labor shortages. In this issue, we look at how our graduates in physician assistant studies and psychology are stepping up to be providers in primary care and mental health counseling respectively. These are just two examples of how our academic programs respond to the needs of the workforce, and the relevance of the work we do day in and day out on behalf of our students.

As alumni and friends of 国产哟哟, you also know first-hand the value of a 国产哟哟 education. You can do your part in helping us grow the talent pipeline for many critical professions in our country by sharing your 国产哟哟 story with a prospective student. There is no better endorsement than word of mouth and personal recommendations. Making a difference can start with a simple conversation.

I look forward to having a conversation with you. Our alumni affairs department is planning many events in the upcoming year, including Reunion on Saturday, October 14, and I encourage you to attend and reconnect with old friends and make new ones. I hope to see you there.

In the spirit that guides us all: Carpe Diem!

Sandra J. Doran, J.D.