On October 20th teachers, students, and lovers of the written word everywhere celebrated National Day on Writing. The event, officially recognized by the Senate and created by The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) in 2008, highlights the importance of writing, personally and professionally -- from text messages to term papers, from journal entries to creative briefs, and everything in between.
Members of the 国产哟哟 community shared why they write, and the answers were as varied as the topics they write about. Students, staff members, faculty, and friends of the University shared what prompts them to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboards, to share knowledge, feelings, and stories. Read on for a truly inspiring list of why writing is an essential tool for the BPU community.
国产哟哟's #WhyIWrite campaign was sponsored by the 国产哟哟 Writing Program under the direction of Dr. Brenda Hardin Abbott, Writing Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of English. Special thanks to our writing tutors who played a key role in putting this project together.
“I write to express my true feelings, and why I feel the way I do about things going on in my life. Also, I write to express my creativity, and poetic abilities.”-Gabriella
“To have fun with my creative side.” -Anonymous
“I write because sometimes I feel like my voice is not enough to help or to express my thoughts.”-Dalia
“I write because it gives me a chance to express myself. I can write anything I want and I don’t feel like I am being judged. Writing gives me a voice and an outlet.”-Meghan
“To apply for jobs.” -Anonymous
“It transforms my hectic and chaotic thoughts into something tangible and less overwhelming. It gives my thoughts and ideas permanency which I am able to look back on.” -Anonymous
“I write to express and reflect. I write to maintain my own biography. I write to come back to a person I was in the past. I write to carve out who I will be in the future.” -Anonymous
“I write because no one will listen to my voice.” -Knox
“For many reasons, to express myself, my feelings/thoughts. I also write because of my classes. If I don’t write I won’t have a grade. So I write for myself and my degree.” -Anonymous
“I write because I want to make people feel something. Writing is a way for me to connect with others and gives me an escape from the real world for a while.” -Tia
“I write because the notebook is my safe space. When I can’t verbalize to a trusted individual, I write. I write to create, to relieve stress, and to channel peace.” -Anjali
“Why not write?” -Anonymous
“To feel good about myself. To express what I may feel that day. Sometimes writing helps realize a lot because I let go of my emotions.” -Anonymous
“Because reading makes people happy.” -Anonymous
“So my head doesn’t explode.” -Anonymous
“I write to defeat the patriarchy and protect women.” -Anonymous
“I write because I can express myself and nobody has to know! I just write on my iPhone notes.” –Anonymous
“I write to feel better about myself.” -Anonymous
"I write because it helps me organize my thoughts. When ideas are floating around in my head it is very easy to forget everything I want to say (especially when I want to talk to someone).”-Anonymous
“Because it helps me to collect my thoughts and de-stress.” -Anonymous
“Therapy. Writing allows me to freely express myself, regardless of the emotions or topic. It also helps me to recall past events since my memories seem unreliable.” –Anonymous
“To pass my classes.” -Anonymous
“I write to express myself. Also because if I don’t I will fail out of college.” -Anonymous
“I write in order to become a better writer and expand my knowledge in writing.” -Anonymous
“Because I enjoy it and it’s fun to tell stories, both fictional and non-fictional.” -Anonymous
“Because my homework makes me.” -Anonymous
“I write because writing helps me let go of my emotions without having to express it in front of others. Writing helps me realize and express two sides of the situation and notice little details not noticed at first. Lastly, it helps me heal and makes my mind and heart clear from the clouded emotions and thoughts in my head.” -Cristina
“A way of coping.” -Anonymous
“I write because I like it, because I can, because it helps me get through things, because it helps me become less stressful, because then people can hear my real voice, because simply I can and I will.” -Melissa
“I write as an escape, there is no place better than one in which all of your dreams and wishes can come free. There is no place where you can absolutely put down your thoughts and not be judged. You can create and motivate just through your thoughts and words. Writing is a release from stress, sadness, a relief from reality.” -Anonymous
“It helps express my feels.” –Anonymous
“It helps me be able to write my emotions and feel less stressed. I also like to write to help myself be more creative.” -Anonymous
“I write to de-stress. Sometimes when I’m really overwhelmed just getting it written on a piece of paper changes my perspective on the problem and it does not bother me anymore.” -Anonymous
“To express my feelings and the emotions I feel.” -Anonymous
“For the clout!” -Julia
“To get scholarships.” -Anonymous
“Because as a student I have to for assignments.” -Jalisa
“I write to express myself. Writing to me like passion, you are able to show your feelings through words. I write to conquer my shyness and show the world my true self.” -Anonymous
“To release overwhelming thoughts in my head. When I write, my mind can be more at peace. I write to feel more organized.” -Julia
“To express my feelings into writings and stories. I also sometimes feel pressured to by my professors.” -Anonymous
“I write for art and creativity.” –Kaisi
“I write to understand how I feel. Thoughts swirl around in my head and I’m able to talk myself in or out of feeling most anything, but when I write, the truth flows from my fingers and I get some clarity (and perspective!) around how I truly feel.” - Melissa
“Brain dumping!” –Noraida
“I write because it’s a way to express my feelings or my emotions.” -Anonymous
“I write to alleviate my repressed feelings I don’t feel able to voice. I love to write poetry.” -Anonymous
“I write because I think it’s a good way to express my feelings and there are always ways to improve on things.” -Anonymous
When writing I can transcend worlds, my ability to create is unparalleled and the beauty of my mind is shared with the world. - Octavia
“I write to express my authentic self. It’s like cracking open a geode to reveal the sparkly crystals within.” - Amy
“I write to feel beautiful.” -Anonymous
“I write to turn pain into art.”- Carol
“Why I write: To help me explore and think about topics more deeply, and to share my findings with others.”- Lisa
“I consider writing to be talking on paper. That means I always have someone to talk to.”-Dennis
“As an instructor of writing, I find it CRITICAL to write in my own time. It’s important to live and breathe the process so you can model for your students. I also enjoy relating to frustrations, time management crunches, and writer’s block strategies.” - Jess
“A thousand times yes, Sister! My students love the humanizing of the process. The biggest part is reading one’s prose aloud to one’s self! That makes it realer! (Yes I know it ain’t a word, but it’s effective here.)” – xvi
“Because it feeds my soul. With writing I can express my feelings.” -Anonymous
“I write because it says all the words that my mouth can’t make out. It shows a very different perspective of the way I show my emotions to others and that is why I write.” -Anonymous